Happy Octoberween! Although the veil has been thinning for some time, it feels like the spirits become especially restless as October approaches, eager to break through! If you’re sensitive like me, this time of year can be challenging. Spirits surround you, either seeking to communicate or simply making their presence known. It can often be difficult to distinguish between your emotions and theirs. My emotions are a whirlwind right now. I’m excited for Halloween, yet I feel sluggish and weighed down by feelings that aren’t even my own. The energy can feel chaotic, and I can shift from intense euphoria to utter pandemonium in just a few minutes. Navigating this time of year as a sensitive, medium, or empath can be quite challenging. However, there are effective ways to separate your energy from those around you, including spirits. It requires time and consistent practice, but the more you engage in this work, the easier it becomes to "shut down" when needed. With practice, you'll also find it easier to open yourself up whenever you choose. Here are my top six ways of separating your emotions from those seen and unseen: 1. Boundaries: The first and most important step in working with spirits is to set clear boundaries. Empaths often absorb the emotions and energies of those around them, which can be overwhelming. It’s essential to define what is acceptable for you emotionally and physically. Don’t hesitate to say no when necessary. I often speak aloud to the spirits or energies, saying things like, “I’m not ready to communicate with you” or simply, “Leave me alone.” Being assertive helps establish and maintain your boundaries. 2. Visualization: When you’re out and picking up on the emotions of others, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective circle. If you’re Pagan or Wiccan and have a specific phrase you use when casting a circle, recite it in your mind. I often use this technique, as circles can take on a cylindrical shape as well! Once I’m inside my cylinder, nothing can enter that I don’t wish to allow. 3. Grounding: Engage in grounding exercises like walking barefoot on the earth, meditating, or visualizing roots extending from your feet into the ground. These practices can help anchor you and provide a sense of stability. One of my favorite grounding methods is to sit in a quiet space with some incense and soothing music while savoring a piece of my favorite chocolate! 4. Limit Exposure: Most empaths (not all) that I know are introverted and avoid large crowds. I am one of them. If certain environments or people drain you, try to limit your time with them. Its ok to leave an event or party early if you feel like its to much for you to handle. 5. Use Crystals and Talismans: Crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, hematite, or amethyst can help with protection and grounding. Carry or wear them to provide comfort. Also, if you have a favorite necklace use it has a talisman to help you ground when you feel to the energies are too much 6. Art: Lastly, get creative. Channel your emotions and feelings into artwork! Writing, drawing, painting or dancing can allow you to ground the energies you have picked up and help to recenter yourself.
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