I have had the honor to work with snakes for over 15 years. They have such a great energy to work with! While I could spend hours writing out all the things you can do to incorporate snake magick into your workings--here are just a few of my favorites!
Visualization: Whenever I am going someplace that is going to cause anxiety or where there is negative energy or conflict-I always visualize that my head is being crowned with a cobra or some type of viper. Just as Krishna is often depicted sitting in the coils of Manasa-and his great hooded cobra head above Krishnas- this is an easy way to tap into snake energy for protection. Snake Skin: As someone who owns multiple snakes-I have a ton of a snake skin! Snake skin can be found if you are a frequent hiker in almost any environment where snakes like to live. Snake skin can be used in mojo bags or gris gris bags for love, health, sex, or protection magick. You can also grind up snake skin when making incense with dried herbs to help bring in that serpentine energy. Another type of magick you can do is binding or constricting spell to help get rid of a situation that is causing you to feel stuck. Take a piece of snake skin and stuff it with herbs for banishing. Then either burn it or toss it into a river (with the water moving AWAY from you. You can also place snake skin on your altar as a means of drawing in serpentine energy or calling about snake spirits and deities. Art: I incorporate my snakes skin and their energy in almost all of my art work. If you are making something to add to decorate your altar or to give as a gift-snake skin is very easy to work with. I recommend getting some Modge Podge which can be purchased at any craft store. Lightly coat the area in which you are placing the skin and gently tap the skin onto the glue. Let it dry. You can add many layers of skin, or just a small bit. You can pretty much put snake skin on anything! Candles, picture frames, canvas! Below is my mini Facebook Like tutorial on Snake magick. How do you incorporate snake magick into your workings?
I LOVE making my own room sprays. Not only are they easy to make, but they also have more uses than just making your room smell pretty! Sprays are a smoke free way of cleansing and clearing your sacred space or ritual items.
I recently was hired at an event to do Tarot card readings for two hours. I easily read for a 15 people in that time frame. The issue for me then became--ALL THESE PEOPLE LEAVING THEIR JUNK ON MY CARDS. My cards are a ritual item. I use them often enough and rely on them when I need clarification or just some guidance. When peope start touching my cards during readings, they are leaving their energy on them--big or small. One way I cleanse my cards between each reading is to mist them with some cleansing spray. Cleansing spray is easy to make. Basically what you need is a good solid dark colored bottle (clear bottles can bring stuff INTO the spray-so stick with a dark bottle!), an essential oil that is used for cleansings such as frankincence, myrrh, patchouli, some purified water, a few pieces of sage (you can always break some off of a bundle) and something alchol based like witch hazel or Florida Water. For my cleansing spray, I used birch tar. Birch Tar is one of those magickal oils that most people dont know to much about. It used in home remedies as an antiseptic and diruetic--which means its a great oil to get rid of unwanted things. Below is my mini tutorial on how to make a cleansing spray bottle! What are your favorite ways of cleansing? Let me know! |
February 2025
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